Immunity Boosters Just for You!

When it’s getting cold outside, let’s keep it there… no colds/flu inside your home!

Here are a few more great ways to boost your vitality and stave off the nasty bugs floating around..

1. Cut down on sweets: It may be difficult with all of the trick-or treat candy, holiday parties and excess all around us but sugar can be really hard to digest and can lower your immune function. If you can minimize your consumption, you have a much better chance of staying well this season.

2. Incorporate some spice: Ayurvedic traditions tout ginger as a spice that helps warm the body and break down the accumulation of toxins in the organs, especially in the lungs and sinuses. Many also believe that ginger helps to cleanse the lymphatic system, which is main way our body releases toxins. By helping keep your airways and lymphatics open, ginger may help prevent the accumulation that can increase your risk of infection.

3. Get rid of the gunk: Sage extract can work as an expectorant, which may help your body move mucus out of your respiratory tract and can calm your cough. Try a drop of sage extract in tea or hot water as an alternative to an over-the-counter expectorant.

4. Boost, boost, boost: Graviola has been traditionally used to kill parasites, ameliorate liver problems, reduce fevers, and help treat colds and the flu. Purdue University's School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences found this superfruit be a potent inhibitor of cancer cells while leaving normal cells alone.

As always, I love to use my oils for this too! Oregano, Thyme, Lemon and many others have been proven to kill many bacteria and viruses. Keep them on hand and use them regularly to stave off the nasty bugs.


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