Sacred System

An Interactive Enlightenment Program

The Sacred system was designed to help facilitate transformation of the entire energy field to align with awakening to a higher consciousness, discerning divine truth, integrating the energies of pure love and applying Universal principles of the new (unity) paradigm.

It is an interactive enlightenment program developed on the premise that when all parts of the human being are addressed and honored in an integrative manner, spiritual expansion happens in the most profound and authentic way. Utilizing sacred geometry, affirmations, visualizations and crystal technology you will upshift your energetic capacity and move toward enlightenment.

Full Programs

  • SACRED Signature Coaching Program

    The SACRED signature coaching program is a series of 8 intensive one-on-one sessions with an IHS Coach. As a participant in this program, you will receive tools and learn techniques that help you to identify your soul purpose, call on Universal support at will, and connect with your true spiritual power.

    The Program Includes:
    • 8 intensive 90 min. one-on-one awakening sessions
    • One on one delivery, weekly or 2x per month
    • SACRED kit with manual, workbook, flashcards, and crystal pendulum activator
    • Practitioner guided live SACRED energy activation
    • Encoded crystal tower to promote shifting/awakening
    • Divine Light Activation Crystal Tool and instruction packet
    • 6 encoded crystal laminate tools
    • Self-study tools

    This program is taught by an Holli, independent Level Two certified IHS practitioner, and the cost is $1900.

  • SACRED 21-Day Program

    SACRED is an interactive enlightenment program developed on the premise that when all parts of the human being are addressed and honored in an integrative manner, spiritual expansion happens in the most profound and authentic way.

    The Program Includes:
    • Intro class and certified practitioner guided activation
    • Class materials – instruction manual, encoded crystal activator, daily exercise flashcards
    • 76 exercises to reinforce and support enlightenment
    • 3 Practitioner guided follow up classes

    This program is taught by Holli, an independent certified IHS practitioner and the cost is $495.


  • Divine Light Activation & Crystal Activator

    The activation is an empowerment tool with which to take greater, more conscious charge of your awakening process.

    The Divine Light Activation serves the purpose of moving energy out of the field which no longer honors the recipient. The activation then summons an influx of light to replace the vibrations which were released, to fully support profound spiritual growth.

    The Divine Light Activation is a free tool created by the founders of Intentional Healing Systems. It can be accessed on the IHS Unity website. Scroll down to “Newest U-N-I Podcast – IHS Divine Light Activation”. The corresponding crystal activator elevates the effectiveness of the Divine Light Activation to the highest degree. It also recirculates the energy of the activation and amplifies the favorable effects. These crystals are available for purchase from a certified IHS practitioner.

    The corresponding encoded crystals are available for purchase. Each crystal is one-of-a-kind and the cost is $85.

  • Key Symbols & Encoded Crystal Tools

    The Key Symbol Tools correspond with multiple energetic encodings that are deployed from the crystal upon user command.

    Each tool aligns with a specific objective to support the user to the highest possible degree in their personal creation process. (Instructions included)

    The Objectives that are supported with the tools are as follows:

    • Calling in the Support of the Universe
    • Connecting with Divine Communications
    • Aligning with Harmony
    • Tapping into Divine Power

    The encoded crystals with corresponding laminate cards are available for purchase. Each crystal is one-of-a-kind and the cost of these tools is $65 each.

Individual Classes

Each of the following classes are taught by Holli, an independent certified IHS practitioner. They are extension classes that coordinate with the SACRED program or they stand alone as spiritual teachings and tools. 

Each class Includes:
• Approximately 1.5 hours of instruction
• Class materials – encoded crystal card tool and handouts
• Practitioner guided exercise or activation

The cost is $75 per class, and for more information, inquire via contact form.

  • Administering Self-Healing

    The Administering Self-Healing Class examines 4 elements of the healing process and how to utilize a self-healing technique. It delivers a tool with which to support a practice of self-healing.

  • Aligning with Soul Purpose

    The Aligning with Soul Purpose Class looks at how to invite energies which serve soul purpose into your current experience. It delivers a tool with which to summon and amplify these energies.

  • Conveying Inner Truth

    The Conveying Inner Truth with Confidence Class explores how to fortify inner self to convey energy in truthful and effective manner. The class introduces 4 separate tools that assist you in meeting this objective.

  • Clearing Your Energy Field

    The Clearing Your Energy Field Class looks at the various energetic elements of the human energy field and delivers tools with which to manage your field’s function.

  • Empowered Manifestation

    The Empowered Manifestation Class introduces 4 specific tools which help bring the creation process to more conscious and intentional levels.

  • Enhancing Intuition

    The Enhancing Intuition Class explores innate intuitive function and helps to further activate your psychic receptors to enhance your intuitive experiences.

  • Living In Freedom

    The Living in Freedom Class delivers 4 sacred symbols that, when activated, assist you in aligning all parts of your energy field with divine freedom. The class introduces 4 separate tools that assist in meeting this objective.

  • Maintaining Emotional Sovereignty

    The Maintaining Emotional Sovereignty Class introduces to you four specific tools designed to help you to navigate and neutralize unfavorable emotional entanglements in your life.

  • Managing Empathic Function

    The Managing Empathic Function Class looks at the energetic mechanisms responsible for processing empathic communications. It delivers a tool with which to filter these communications.

  • Telepathic Communication

    The Telepathic Communication Class explores the energetic pathways that deliver these communications. The class demonstrates 4 separate tools that assist in the conscious management of telepathic communication.

  • Trusting Your Intuition

    The Trusting Your Intuition Class looks at four energetic applications that fortify self-trust in association with intuitive abilities. The class introduces 4 separate tools that assist in meeting this objective.

  • Upshifting Body Function

    The Upshifting Body Function Class looks at how an awakened state of consciousness upgrades the physical function of the body. It delivers a tool with which to support awakening and the upgrade of the physical body.

  • Master Your Subconscious

    The Mastering Your Subconscious Class introduces four meaningful symbols and corresponding activations that assist you in putting your subconscious to purposeful use based on conscious intent. The crystal laminate tool supports and intensifies the energy of your practice.

For all SACRED System inquiries please email me at or use the form below…